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This content of this page will grow and change as new problems
and solutions are addressed. If you do not see the answer to your
question below, please email us or |
Question: |
When creating a shortcut, do I put a WWW in front of supplier? |
Answer: |
No, the full path is https://nasupplier.Veoneer.com. |
Question: |
When should ASN's be created? |
Answer: |
The same day that they are to ship to Veoneer. |
Question: |
Can I create an ASN the day after I ship? |
Answer: |
You could create an ASN after you have shipped and before we have received it, but it will show negatively on your supplier performance. We don't recommend you doing this. |
Question: |
Why are old RAN's still in my 862 inbox? |
Answer: |
They have not been shipped in full. Once they have been shipped in full, they will disappear. |
Question: |
Why do I go through the 862 Menu to create an 856? |
Answer: |
There is now a button on the 856 Inbox that will allow you to create ASN's. |
Question: |
When I print out my In-Basket Material, the pages get cut off. What can I do? |
Answer: |
Go to 'File - Page Settings' and set your margins to as low as they will go. |
Question: |
When submitting my ASN's, I get an error every time I click 'Submit'. Why? |
Answer: |
The most common reason for this is that you have put a comma in the quantity. |
Question: |
When submitting ASN's that are being shipped ground, what do I put in the trailer field? |
Answer: |
A good practice is to put the date in this field, if nothing else applies. Just remember not to put any dashes or spaces with it though. (EX. 031301) |
Question: |
The e-mail link gives me an error when I click on it saying: "Could not perform this operation because the default mail client is not properly installed." |
Answer: |
In Internet Explore, go to Tools--Internet Options--Programs, and select your Email Client on the drop down menu there. |
Question: |
After printing releases etc. and clicking on 'Back' I get a "Warning: Page Has Expired." and I have to refresh the screen and re-send the information. Why? |
Answer: |
This is by design. Because you have left the web server to do local processing (I.E. Printing) and the Web Page is giving you 'live' data, it warns the user that the page you are trying to go back to may not have the most current data anymore. Because the 'Back' button(s) generally pull from a locally cached version of the page first, the browser forces the user to refresh the contents of the dynamic page to ensure that you are not looking at old (or cached) data. One way to get around this is to click on the "Home" Link or Button, which reloads the page for you. |